Ensuring high quality tuna for our customers

Intermediating whole stock purchases
Whole stock purchases is the term used to describe single batch purchases of a fishing vessel’s entire tuna catch. Tuna are brought to Japan after being caught in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. At Hiroichi, we intermediate transactions between Japanese companies requiring tuna stocks and Taiwanese and Chinese ship owners offering reliable tuna quality, preservation, and transportation. Facilitating smooth business contracts that offer mutual benefits requires many years of knowledge and experience with tuna, in addition to knowledge and expertise that includes current conditions.

Procuring tuna that Japanese companies demand
The sizes and amount of tuna required by our customers cover a wide range. At Hiroichi, we handle a variety of different tuna types and sizes, which allows us to meet the meticulous needs of Japanese companies. If you have particular needs, please feel free to submit any questions or requests.

Bringing Ocean Treasure tuna to Japan
Hiroichi Co., Ltd. is part of the Taiwan-based Ocean Treasure group, which annually sells 15,000 tons of product in countries around the world.
Hiroichi Co., Ltd. handles varieties of tuna and other fresh marine products that Ocean Treasure provides to each country.